Reflex® It is the widest range of synthetic mica pigments coated with metal oxides. It has more than 80 references between white, metallic and interference, with particles sizes from 2 to 700μm.
Chaos® are new synthetic mica pigments that are doubly coated with TiO2 and iron oxides, with high intensity of color, luster and purity. The range of 30 colors includes: white, gold, interference and black. Available sizes between: 2-16μm to 20-150μm.
Ferrius® are synthetic mica pigments doubly coated with iron oxides. Series of 4 very intense metallic colors and strong hiding power: Bronze, orange, copper and reddish. Available in 2 sizes 5-35μm and 25-150μm.
Reflex Color® are Interference pigments coated with organic and inorganic colorant. It offers a wide range of 18 products with very intense pure colors. Sizes available in 5-25μm and 9-45μm.
Multiorora® are synthetic mica pigments with color-travel effect. They offer different color shades depending on the angle of incident lights, offering a unique and fancy effect. Available in 5 colors and in particle size range of 6-45μm.
Cest® i Mica Series consists of synthetic mica-based pigments, with more than 30 products in white, gold and bronzed tones. With a wide variety of particle sizes ranging from <15μm to 700μm.

Pigments of synthetic mica coated with titanium dioxide and / or metal oxides. Products with high purity and low content of heavy metals. This translates into greater whiteness and clean, bright colors.