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Particles that combine polyester, colorants and reflective materials, which provide a brilliant and luxurious effect.



The most extensive family of Glitters, with more than 120 colors ranging from silver and gold, through bronze, blue, green, violet and red tones to different shades of black.


  • IRIDISCENT - 800 SERIES  Same color effect that seen in soap bubbles. More than 20 colors.


  • HOLOGRAPHIC - 900 SERIES Series of 24 colors, which are characterized by having a predominant color in the background and the rainbow reflection, generating a three-dimensional effect, as seen on the surface of CDs.

  • FLUORESCENT - 6000 SERIES Include fluorescent pigments giving a neon effect. Range of 12 colors available.



Glitters particles resistant to solvents. More than 40 colors in a range from gold and silver, to multicolor.


  • NLFG IRIDISCENT 5 colors available.

  • NLFG HOLOGRAPHIC  More than 20 colors available.

  • NLFG NEON MANIA Glitters with matte and fluorescent effect. 6 colors available.

  • NLFG MOSAIC Glitters with matte effect. More than 30 colors available.


Aluminum Glitters with great temperature resistance. Indicated for plastics. They can be used in contact with food. Available in 6 colors.


Glitters composed only of polyester films and colorants, so they have a translucent effect, such as glass.
Available in 7 colors.



New family of products where glitters are mixed with borosilicate pigments.  Sophisticated and luxurious colors effects.
Available in 20 colors.

shapes and sizes

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